Snoop Dogg OG Marijuana Strain Overview
As you would expect from a strain named after one of the most prominent cannabis consumers in the world, Snoop Dogg OG is a potent and delicious indica.
Snoop Dogg OG is a mix between Lemon OG and Sour Diesel. This combo becomes immediately apparent when smoking it, as the strong lemon flavor of the Lemon OG comes through almost simulatenously with the sour taste of Sour Diesel. The results in a smooth, potent smoke that fills the room with a lovely smell.
Smell and taste:
- Diesel
- Lemon
- Undefined herbs and spices
The top effects of the Snoop Dogg OG marijuana strain are:
- Happiness
- Sleepiness
- Increased appetite and also
- A strong, buzzing head high
Some of the top medical ailments it helps with are:
- Stress
- Chronic pain
- Inflammation
- Post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
- Depression and also
- Insomnia
At the time of publication Snoop Dogg OG has 88 reviews on Leafly with an average score of 4.6 out of 5.
Highlighted quote (from one of the Leafly reviews):
“vaped. nice OG taste. pungent smell. nice dense nuggs. uplifting, good for pain relief. experience required with this one so go slow If you’re a novice blazer.”
Where to find it
If you live in a state where cannabis is legal, you may want to check out Leafly’s strain finder. This feature can use your exact location to find the closet cannabis store or dispensary to you that is currently carrying the Snoop Dogg OG marijuana strain; you can also look for a variety of other strains.
Click here for this strain finder.