Iowa Senate Committee Approves Medical Cannabis Legalization Bill
Iowa’s Senate Human Resources Committee has approved a bill to legalize the possession and distribution of cannabis for medical purposes.
The measure would go considerably further than a medical cannabis bill approved by lawmakers in 2014, which allows for the possession and use of CBD (cannabidiol) oil for those with epilepsy, but doesn’t authorize a means for patients to legally procure the medicine. This new proposal would legalize more than just CBD oil by allowing those with multiple conditions, including HIV/AIDS, cancer and multiple sclerosis, to possess and use cannabis.
The measure, which was introduced by Senator Bill Dotzler, would also legalize medical cannabis dispensaries, which would provide cannabis to qualified patients.
Iowa’s Senate voted 36 to 13 last month to reduce the penalties for cannabis possession for any purpose.
– TheJointBlog
pua mana
so who’s gonna grow it ? Monsanto ?
susan bentley
I think it is about time to get this done . there are alot of people who needs this . i have very chronic severe pain n would like to see if it would help , there is alot of people who can be helped , so plese vote yes