Jamaica Lawmakers to Soon Discuss Legislation to Expunge Past Cannabis Possession Convictions
Lawmakers in Jamaica will soon begin discussing a measure which will automatically expunge cannabis possession (and consumption) charges from the record’s of those in the nation who have been hit with such charges.
“I brought a submission to Cabinet seeking approval of amendments to the criminal records expungement legislation to provide for (among other things) the automatic expungement of criminal records for convictions for possession of small quantities (or smoking) of ganja”, says the nation’s Justice Minister Mark Golding, “Cabinet approved that submission and drafting instructions were then issued to the Office of Parliamentary Counsel for the bill to be prepared”.
Advocates of the proposal, such as Senator Tom Tavares-Finson, point to the fact that over 300 young adults are arrested each week for possessing or smoking cannabis, crimes which will be automatically expunged if the proposal is passed into law.
The measure is expected to be finalized in the coming days.
– TheJointBlog