Wisconsin Senate Unanimously Approves Bill to Legalize Hemp
The Wisconsin Senate has unanimously approved a measure that would legalize the production and cultivation of industrial hemp.
The Senate approved the hemp legalization measure with a vote of 33 to 0, sending it to the state’s Assembly. The Assembly is expected to pass the bill, which could happen as soon as today. If approved by the Assembly the measure would be sent to Governor Scott Walker who would have the option of signing it into law, allowing it to become law without his signature or vetoing it (though a veto could be overturned by a 2/3rds vote in the legislature).
Under the proposed law, a system of state licenses would be established that could be obtained by farmers in order to legally grow and cultivate hemp. The legislation initially labelled hemp as having no more than 1% THC, but the Senate amended it so that the maximum THC is 0.3%; hemp being grown above this level would be illegal.
If the measure becomes law, Wisconsin would join theover 30 states that have legalized hemp.