Want Potent CBD Oil Tinctures? Look No Further!

Want Potent CBD Oil Tinctures? Look No Further!


CBD oil tinctures are an increasingly popular option for those with a variety of medical ailments (from anxiety to chronic pain), and for those wanting an effective preventative medicine. By dropping CBD oil tincture under the tongue, our bodies absorb the CBD quickly and efficiently resulting in fast acting, effective results.


Tinctures is just one method for consuming CBD. There are many other ways to experience CBD as well; ranging from capsules, gummies and other candies, drinkables, crystal isolate, CBD vape liquids, topical creams, and dry herbs.


Delta Extrax

Where to find them


All of the tinctures available at EveryDayOptimalCBD.com are made from legal industrial hemp and contain absolutely zero THC making them accessible in every state without a prescription. Their tinctures are completely free and clear of heavy metals, pesticides and contaminants of any kind.


Every Day Optimal CBD also has a speciality line of CBD Capsules called their Total Relief CBD line. These products are formulated specifically for certain ailments, such as insomnia. This line of products “contain added vitamins and minerals designed to boost the CBD’s power and effectiveness” – vaporsmooth. The capsule form is another popular consumption method for taking CBD, they do however take a bit longer for the body to absorb.


EveryDayOptimalCBD.com offers an 100% money back guarantee on all of their products. They have a wide-range of potencies (ranging from 300mg to 4,000mg), making it easy to find the product that’s exactly right  for your needs.


CBD oil tinctures are easy to consume in a consistent manner. If you have not yet tried a CBD tincture you will be happy to know that you can do so for pretty cheap. Below are some options to help you better understand how you can use a tincture:



Sublingual Administration

(dropping the tincture under the tongue)


All tincture products sold by Every Day Optimal come in the same size bottles. The difference is the varying concentrations levels of cbd oil. Inside each of the bottles you will find a applicator dropper that you can use to ensure accurate dosage. Depending on the concentration you get and your desired dosage level you will want to find the amount that works best for you. A few drops is a good starting point and you can increase or decrease from there.


Dropping CBD oil under your tongue allows the CBD to enter your bloodstream quickly and efficiently and can provide almost immediate relief. It’s best to try to keep the oil under your tongue for as long as possible before swallowing to allow the most absorption possible.


Adding the oil to food


A popular method of taking CBD tincture is by mixing it with something else that you are going to consume. Things like a milkshake or tea can be used. The oils/tinctures offered by Every Day Optimal have a light peppermint taste that make them pleasant to consume.


You can find more information about these tinctures – and can purchase them – by clicking here.

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