Washington: Public Hearing Held on Legislation to Add PTSD as Qualifying Medical Cannabis Condition

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Washington: Public Hearing Held on Legislation to Add PTSD as Qualifying Medical Cannabis Condition

The Washingtonptsd State Senate Health Care Committee held a public hearing today on Senate Bill 5379, a measure to add post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) as a qualifying condition for those wanting to become medical cannabis patients.

At the public hearing, only Seth Dawson of the Washington State Psychiatric Association and the Washington Association of Substance Abuse Prevention spoke in opposition, with 14 people speaking in favor.

Research has continually shown that cannabis can be useful for those with PTSD. For example, in November, 2013, a government-funded study using human trials found that β€œthe cannabinoid system may serve as a promising target for innovative intervention strategies (e.g. pharmacological enhancement of exposure-based therapy) in PTSD and other fear learning-related disorders.”

A study published the next year in June in the journal Neuropsychopharmacology came to a similar conclusion, finding that cannabinoids may treat PTSD.

Delta Extrax

A study published in December in the journal Psychoneuroendocrinology found that cannabis may provide a treatment option for those suffering from post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)-induced nightmares.

According to the National Institute of Health, PTSD affects around 7.7 million people.

Senate Bill 5379 was filed by Senator Steve Hobbs, an active member of the Army National Guard, and is cosponsored by a bipartisan group of seven senators. If approved into law, Washington will join Michigan, California, Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, Massachusetts, New Mexico, Arizona and Oregon as states that have PTSD as a qualifying medical cannabis condition.




  • usarmyretired
    February 18, 2015

    I’m so happy! I recently retired from the Army and this was the 1st new years in a long time where I could enjoy fireworks with the family because I had MMJ it really helps all around!

  • David M
    February 21, 2015

    Unfortunately, according to witness the opposition, Seth Dawson of the Washington State Psychiatric Association and the Washington Association of Substance Abuse Prevention spoke first. Afterward the committee chair, Senator Ann Rivers (R) La Center, abruptly stood up and walked out of the meeting room door, deciding it wasn’t important enough for her to listen to the room full of combat veterans and their supporter’s who spoke in favor. Have any idea where this is now going. Nowheresville USA. Again, this is what happens when such a large and vitally important voting block, simply couldn’t be bothered to vote in last November’s all important (for cannabis reform anyway) election. Whats tragic is this occurred, in a state chock full of 18-29 year old residents of Washington. Apparently they had better things to do than vote last November as only only 26% of them actually did so. This being the lowest youth voter turnout since the1940’s. They sure picked a lousy time to grow lazy at the mail box ( since Washington votes by mail, they didn’t even have to go to a polling place). This of course allowed an anti-cannabis, law-enforcement minded minority the ability to win the state Senate election , and they can now stuff their cannabis hater views upon the majority, or, as happened at this meeting simply walk out the door after one or two opposing views were expressed..

  • Guero Diaz
    March 22, 2015

    I would never support an unapproved treatment based on invalid science. This bill is precisely that. I urge you all to comply with federal and state laws. If you get rid of your drugs, you will be in compliance.

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