Top 3 CBD Oil Mistakes You Might Be Making

Dont make these cbd mistakes

Top 3 CBD Oil Mistakes You Might Be Making

CBD oil (CBD is an acronym for cannabidiol, categorized as a type of cannabinoid along with over 100 other compounds) has become one of the most popular wellness ingredients at the moment, and it seems that this trend is only going to continue growing. Other than the concentrated oil, it is constantly being added to a variety of creams, makeup, food and drinks as more companies open up to the promised health benefits. 


Quality CBD contains absolutely no THC and so, regardless of how much you take, this oil will never make you high. With that being said, choosing a lower quality (therefore cheaper) oil could mean that the manufacturer has used a less thorough extraction processes and therefore allowed some THC to seep into the final product. It is worth keeping in mind.


The compounds are found naturally in both the flowers and leaves of cannabis plants, and the extraction of CBD has been proving appealing to an increasing number of people who believe in the purported wellness benefits, such as, decreased anxiety, help with nausea, improved sleep, relieved mood swings, and less inflammation in all kinds of areas. 

Delta Extrax


Common CBD Oil Mistakes


Those starting out on their CBD oil journey should know that many people make mistakes when purchasing CBD based products. This isn’t anybody’s fault, in particular—there’s just a lot of misinformation out there so you should be very careful to choose the best CBD product.


So what are some of these mistakes? Well, there are plenty, but these are the top three:


1. Blindly Accepting Company Claims


Consumers, as a whole, tend to accept whatever a company is telling them on a product label, website or any promotional material, without researching for themselves or seeking out independent verification. 


Manufacturers inform their customers of the item’s benefits, ingredients and the process they went through to develop it, but it is the potential buyer’s job to check these claims and search for the appropriate accreditation. 


In terms of CBD oil, it is vital that a COA (otherwise known as a Certificate Of Analysis) has been obtained showing the exact amount of cannabidiol inside each bottle. Ideally, every single batch should be sent off to a certified laboratory to be tested each time, to ensure the exact concentration levels are known. 


Unfortunately—and perhaps predictably—outside testing brought to light the shocking fact that some producers of CBD oil had lied profusely on their bottle labels, stating contents that were just not true. This is common across practically every industry, and rather than cast a cloud on those producers in particular, it should serve as a reminder to do your due diligence with any chemical compounds that are going into your body.


On the extreme side of this number one mistake is not reading the label on the bottle at all. You might be surprised how often people don’t even check the label. Failing to take a second to glance over the ingredients and make sure that you are about to be taking something that will not harm you, is a giant mistake; and while CBD oil is safe enough that you can be sure nothing will, it’s a good habit to build up all the same. 

Testing approved CBD


2. Choosing Price Over Quality


As the saying goes, ‘You get what you pay for.’ This maxim is as relevant when it comes to choosing your CBD oil as it is everywhere else it’s used. 


From a quick Google search, hundreds upon hundreds of CBD oils will pop up, which—granted—is great. However, search engines like to show consumers the cheapest products first to hook them in, but this is not the way to go if you are looking to experience any positives from using your oil. 


Quality should always come first, especially in the case of CBD oil. Oil sat at the lower end of the price spectrum may, as mentioned previously, have been manufactured using less-than-sufficient extraction processes and as such might contain trace amounts of THC (officially referred to as tetrahydrocannabinol).


If a high-quality CBD oil does not fit in your budget right now, our advice is to wait. It will still be there after pay day. These are always personal judgements, but it’s a good idea to think about whether a sub-optimal product is a fair way to spend your hard-earned money. 


3. Having Unreasonable Expectations


It is important to remember that this oil does in fact have its limits. Why mention this? Well, way too many people looking to use CBD oil believe that it is a creation born from magical elves and wizards. For better or for worse, it just isn’t. This product will not solve all your mental sufferings, nor will it completely rid you of your physical aches and pains—true advocates know this and try to be upfront around the proven benefits versus the hype. But that’s not to say there aren’t real-world mental and physical benefits to the compound.


Through a series of clinical trials, research and customer anecdotes, it has been stated that CBD helps to treat numerous anxiety disorders such as generalised anxiety, social anxiety disorder, OCD (obsessive-compulsive disorder), PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder) and panic disorder.


Unfortunately, the studies and in-depth testing of whether this is really the case is limited and thus, purchasing this oil with the mindset that it will totally cure your anxiety will more than likely result in disappointment. While science is constantly testing the various benefits of cannabis in general, it is important to your research and homework. 


Bonus Mistake: Taking Too Much or Too Little


Absorbing too much CBD oil when you are first starting out can be detrimental to what should be, a healing experience. The dosage mentioned on the majority of bottles is 20 drops two times a day, but for those who have never tried it before, that figure could likely be too highly concentrated and could cause unwanted side effects, such as sweating or joint pain (although instances of these are rare).


Keep in mind that all those seemingly terrifying symptoms of what could happen should you take too much in the beginning are also side effects of the CBD oil doing its job. 


To avoid this particular mistake and the relatively harsh side effects, start slowly and gradually work up the number of drops that are in your serving each day. 


On the other hand, taking too little is far less of a problem in terms of making you feel temporarily under the weather than ingesting too much does. Not having enough CBD oil will just mean that results and homeostasis will not regulate themselves for a longer period of time than those taking the perfect amount for them. 




By all means, never be loyal to just one theory (and its practice) when the question is about your health. It’s absolutely normal and wise to keep paying for health plans and not relying on CBD as a cure-all. Alternative ways of keeping ourselves in top shape are great but there are 1000s of factors involved, not just things we can purchase and consume. Health is much more than the absence of illness.


Finding the optimum quantity of drops and strength for you may take a few months as there is no right answer for everyone, unfortunately. A percentage of the population can metabolise CBD extremely quickly, while the rest of us process it a lot slower, hence the need for each individual to slowly figure out how much oil they need to reap the rewards of it. 


Of course, this involves patience and dedication to achieving the benefits—if you do not have this and quit too soon before the body has become accustomed to the CBD, you have no chance of effectively using the oil. Regardless, speak to your doctor before taking a regiments of CBD products to make sure they are right for you.  


In the final analysis, CBD oil is a very promising product with a range of benefits, but in order to give yourself the best chance of reaping all of its advantages, it’s important to avoid making these few common mistakes.


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