Study Finds Cannabinoids May Combat Symptoms of Schizophrenia
Contrary to prohibitionist propaganda, a new government-funded study published in the journal Neuropsychopharmacology has found that cannabis may combat the symptoms of schizophrenia by stimulating the body’s cannabinoid receptors.
Researchers for the study examined rats with schizophrenia which were dosed with a chemical substance meant to mimic cannabinoids – compounds found in cannabis, as well as naturally produced in our body. Researchers found that the cannabinoids “reversed social withdrawal in PCP-treated rats via stimulation of CB1 receptors”; social withdrawal is one of the primary symptoms of schizophrenia.
The study – which was funded by the Brain & Behavior Research Foundation and the National Institute of Mental Health – concludes that “these findings indicate that.. activation of CB1 receptors is crucial for social interaction, and that PCP-induced social withdrawal results from deficient endocannabinoid transmission”.
This study is one of many released in recent months which have found that activation of the body’s CB1 receptors can combat, and potentially cure, a large number of ailments and medical conditions.
– TheJointBlog
IT does, i know firsthand, cannabis cures schizoprenia!!
Beverly Gatewood
It seems that smoking marijuana effects may vary depending on what is happening before you smoke. If you are just in a chill mood you want to relax, in most cases you will feel great. But if your body is toxic you are all out of wack already sometimes it just brings out your insecurities or panic. It is an spiritual herb and we should see it more for meditation than getting high. I PRAY AND TRUST IT CURES SCHIZOPHRENIA.