Scientists Believe They Have Discovered a New Species of Cannabis
[Update: This story has unfortunately been proven as false.]
By Zara Zhi, Culture Magazine
Scientists at the University of Sydney believe they have found a fourth species of cannabis. The finding took place in 2010, when a group of people were hiking in the Blue Mountains of Australia and discovered a single plant that resembled cannabis. The shrub was later donated to a research laboratory at the University of Sydney where a series of tests were conducted on the plant – proving that it was indeed cannabis. “When we first received the plant we were very skeptical about its relation to cannabis. It has somewhat similar growth structure, but the leaves look nothing like cannabis leaves,” according to researcher Christopher Pool.
The test results show that the species is resistant to freezing temperatures and the plant grows more like a shrub, without the archetypal candelabra shape of most cannabis strains. Countless cannabis breeders the world over have offered to pay upwards of $2,000 per seed, but Pool stated “The only problem is that we don’t have any seeds, we only have one plant,” adding, “We’ve exhausted our funding trying to find another like it.”
It’s easy to see the appeal of a cannabis plant that is resilient in cold temperatures– making open-air cultivation accessible to people in all climates.
Teams have spent years hunting for more of these specimens, but have all come back empty handed. The researchers are offering a $10,000 reward to anyone with information on how to procure another one of these peculiar plants.
For the sake of humanity, let’s hope scientists uncover more of this elusive and rare specimen.
Allen Merrill
Clone the plant, and cross breed it and make seeds… It wont be the exact plant however it will be a hybrid and could result in great phenotype for future breeding and I would be willing to bet that is why breeders are willing to pay upwards of $2,000 per seed… Make clones and sell the clones to breeders and let them do the research on making this strain possible for others.
Was this single plant preserved? Tissue Culture! I know someone who can create a tissue culture and get an exact clone if the plant matter was preserved at all. IE. if any of the DNA is still in tact. This is a loooong shot, but if anyone knows the researchers, please have them contact me.
they should be able to conduct a tissue culture, aka cloning at the cellular level
Cell culture…….
Exactly…. Tissue Culture at its Finest…
Split everything is connected
How was it determined, it was in the Cannabis family? what Cannabinods were found? THC or no THC? there really isn’t enough info, but everyone is always looking for high CBD strains, not to mention new compounds and their medical benefits?
Clone it , reverse sex the clones , and self cross with it’s clones , still keeping the mother /father plant pure … sometimes I doubt science is involved with these types of claims ,or the science involved is not very good science overlook the most obvious …. fire that team of pseudo scientists ..they must be working for the opposition
louis gregg
if it is viable to take clones and they TAKE to rooting..then they must find results on the effects of ethylene and colloidal silver on various clones..and then “induce asexual breeding between the to genders..whether or not the plant is male or female determines masculized or feminized seeds
Finally, I can move to the Yukon
Dana Larsen
At Cannabis Culture we had our Australian friends telling us about this back in 1999. Here’s two articles we ran back then about this strange type of cannabis:
You don’t have to cross breed it you can force it into a hermaphroditic state and it will pollinate itself.
I guess I should have read your comment before making mine. (I agree with your suggestion.)
Wouldnt that just bring about unstable seeds?
For a more reliable cross you might want a mother and father.
I could save its DNA and clone it then force sex and get seeds.
What does it look like?
Jeremy Wilburn
tissue culture for $500 Alex… google synthetic seeds.
If this is true, I would imagine the plant is a hermie. Most plants are hermies after all. Sounds like a good scam to get some free money, or a tall tale.
Just make a bunch of clones; then, stress the plants until one of them morphs into a male. (At least give it a try. It works with the cannabis we all know and love.)
have they not tryed cloning the plant
Um you can’t clone a plant someone cut down in 2010 lmfao wow…….
you can clone a plant that’s over ten years old. People have mothers that are older than that. Its easier to keep taking a clone before flower instead of keeping a big mother unless your wanting lots of clones.
they could just self the plant.. stress it til it hermies out…grow out the seeds and look for a stable pheno
This room is full of rapist and imbreeding if you take the canabis out of the pic or just read them all while your high you will all think you should be arrested..
To Anon. Rapist, imbreeding, canabis, your. My God man you are a functional (barely) idiot.
bastard shitface vaginalator
hahahahahaa that shits funny hes right….. hermies, imbreeding, crossing back, forced sexing lol
Clone it. Give me my money.
Look up Australian Bastard Cannabis. Everything you guys are commenting has already been done. See Dana Larson’s links.
How did this plant survive on it’s own? Why not clone it and take the clone back to the place of origin and observe it to see! Not much info in this story and no pictures of it. These fools probably stumbled upon a lone ducksfoot.
This is got to be bullshit…just saying that because i know they could clone it….if they’re saying they can’t…b.s…
Thomas Hofmann
If this is real then someone somewhere does have a photo. If it’s true show us. Why not just clone it?? That will solve the problem of not finding any more…
Agree. Pics or it didn’t happen.
Clone the plant and germ one… Then pollinate the other with it…you can keep the 10K
Can we get a picture of this plant ? We could be over looking it somewhere cause it looks different !
The strain is called “Wally Duck Foot” or Duck Foot due to its webbed leaves.
Björn Sjöberg
You can’t clone a dead plant!
Boris Kleiner
Could be a “Ducks Foot”
No, no it could not. This is science we’re talking about, they wouldn’t put the plant through a plethora of tests and somehow miss that it’s an existing strain.
Doubt it’s true but if it is a weed plant it’s DNA should be resembling the others so you could easily breed hybrids for sale since people would be interested.. This doesn’t solve the idea but it’s a way to earn back the money lost in research to continue experiment it… never heard of cloning tbh as I’m still a student but I guess a species can not have no reproduction system therefore keeping it in habitable conditions will result in quick reproduction.. study that and problem solved of course easier said then done
S1 it you fools
can’t clone it if it didn’t arrive alive
$10,000 , reward for making someone else rich. hmm
Oh my god yes.
Why can’t they clone it or use colloidal silver spray on it to make feminine seeds? I want my $10K!!!! =Judy=
Ducks foot may have come from hops cannabis’s closest relative.
Justin barnes
it seems to me?? that if anyone finds a plant that is flowering or they find males and females?? that they wont need the 10000 dollar reward…….
What do these plants look like ? Any pics of em
chares gillum
place the dna gene in a healtly seed
Silly Milly
Um, you can’t clone a plant after you have smoked it
Your comments makes me depressed
duck foot??? in new caledonia near australia, wa have one strain call duck foot
Mike c
Put the plant and seeds back where they were found and with a little water,sun,and time the plants will grow
sounds like they pulled up the last one thanks for destroying more natural wonder science.