Proposal to Decriminalize Cannabis Filed in Virginia’s Senate
Virginia State Senator Adam Ebbin has filed a proposal to decriminalize cannabis.
Senate Bill 686 would remove criminal penalties for the possession of up to an ounce of cannabis, making it a simple $100 ticket rather than an arrestable misdemeanor.
The proposal, which will be considered by the state’s Senate once the Legislature reconvenes in January, would also reduce the criminal penalties for cannabis distribution (and intent to distribute), would create a legal defense for a person cultivating up to six plants for personal use, and would change the state’s paraphernalia laws so that they only apply to an adult who distributes to a minor at least three years his junior.
The bill would also limits forfeiture of property from sale or distribution of cannabis to quantities of more than one pound, whereas currently there is no minimum amount. The penalty for possession of cannabis by a prisoner is also reduced.
The full text of the initiative can be found by clicking here.
– TheJointBlog