Presidential Candidate and Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders Supports Descheduling Cannabis
Presidential candidate and Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders will announce this evening that he supports completely removing cannabis from the federal list of controlled substances, effectively ending cannabis prohibition throughout the nation. The announcement will come during a speech at George Mason University in Fairfax, Virginia, which will begin at 7pm EDT.
“Too many Americans have seen their lives destroyed because they have criminal records as a result of marijuana use,” Sanders will say at the event, according to a press release we received from Sander’s campaign. “That’s wrong. That has got to change.”
During the last Democratic presidential debate, Sanders became the first major-party presidential candidate to express support for legalizing cannabis. With this announcement, Sanders becomes the first candidate to call for a complete removal of cannabis as a controlled substance.
– TheJointBlog
Not to mention the millions of hardworking employees losing their jobs because marijuana is in their system.
i hope you win bernie i cant vote because im a marijuana felon but im rooting for ya!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It needs to be moved out of the medical perview 100%, else doctors will have to prescribe it and Big Pharma will be the only ones allowed to grow it. It is a plant. It should be a plant that everyone can plant and use as they see fit.
Finally someone I can support. Go Bernie!
Denise Mumford
Finally someone I can get excited about. Go Bernie Sanders!
thanks Bernie!