Poll: Majority of Arizona Voters Support Legalizing Marijuana

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Poll: Majority of Arizona Voters Support Legalizing Marijuana

According to an Emerson College poll released this week, a solid majority of voters in Arizona are in favor of the state legalizing marijuana for adults.

“When voters were asked about legalization of marijuana, 53% approve and 39% disapprove”, states the poll. “Democrats (66%) and Independents (62%) are in strong support for legalization, while only 32% of Republicans support legalization, 61% oppose.”

Legalization was particularly popular among  those 18 to 34 years old, with 65% in support and just 20% opposed. Specifically, polling participants were asked: “There is an initiative for the legalization of marijuana for adults 21 and over in Arizona. Do you support legalizing marijuana for adults 21 and over?”

“Currently it would lean in favor of legalization,” says Emerson professor Spencer Kimball. “But when we dug in side those numbers we saw that the group that is most split on the issue were Hispanic voters”, with 45% in favor of legalization compared to 44% opposed.

Emerson College notes that “There are two initiatives that would legalize marijuana in the state that could make the ballot in November. One is focused on legalizing marijuana, while the other is focused on legalizing all drug.

Delta Extrax

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