Poll: 87% in Ohio Support Legalizing Medical Cannabis
A new Quinnipiac University poll has found that 87% of those in Ohio support the legalization of medical cannabis, with only 11% opposed. The poll also found a majority of the state – 51% to 44% – to be in support of legalizing recreational cannabis.
“Ohioans’ views of marijuana are complicated. Twice as many voters think alcohol is more dangerous than marijuana, and about half the state’s voters think the two are equally harmful,” said Peter Brown, Assistant Director of the Quinnipiac University Polling Institute. “Ohioans narrowly favor legalizing pot for personal use, with women opposed while men support the idea. Almost nine in 10 in both genders think marijuana should be legal for medical uses. No one should be surprised that support for legalization is strongest among younger voters.”
For the poll, Quinnipiac University surveyed 1,370 registered voters between February 12th to February 17th.
– TheJointBlog
Ohio has a strange city dynamic. Cleveland (Cuyahoga County) historically has run the states politics since Moses Cleveland landed. And we all know, possibly the worst reputation of any large city in the country. Remember, Cleveland’s data shows a continuing drop in population, I think it fell into the 400K range, but in reality, it’s far bigger than Columbus or Cinti. It’s the biggest market, They don’t include nearly the surrounding areas for population measure as C-Bus,.It has a hugely pro-democratic constituency base. Problem is, nobody votes ! Cincinnati is pro-republican, you could walk to KY. Columbus is the capital, but suffers an inferiority complex because of Clevelands political clout. They don’t know who they are, but vote republican. Cleveland’s the only true metro city in the state. The rest are really hicks in suits. Thats why it’s been a pro republican state. And forget about the rural areas, they think marijuana is LSD. We have a pro business moderate republican Governor and of course the speaker. Our AG, Michael Dewine, is a little weasel carved from the tea party mould. He vetoed the last successful signature petition because of verbiage in the document. They had the votes, but the wording on the petition is what failed. I can’t believe no one helped them draft the document. So the fact that these numbers came out as high as they did statewide for medicinal use is reason to really focus on Ohio. Focus on the non-voters in Cuyahoga County, and you’ll have full legalization the second it’s on the ballot. I know the perception is that Ohio is a republican farmland with their eyes closed, but that’s not the reality. Tell Cleveland they can get high, and the rest that is good for the economy. Slam Dunk.
It’s time.