Poll: 56% of Arizonans Support Marijuana Legalization

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Poll: 56% of Arizonans Support Marijuana Legalization

New polling conducted by the respected Behavior Research Center has found that a strong majority of those in Arizona support the legalization of marijuana – 56% are in favor of such a move, with only 37% in opposition. According to the polling, legaliza5.14-shutterstock_75081979tion has majority support across all age groups, and in every county in the state. These results show that Arizona residents support legalization at an even higher rate than the national average, which is around 52%, according to the Pew Research Institute.

In their release of the results, the Behavior Research Center stated, “It is perhaps ironic that as support for same-sex marriage and defelonization of marijuana have long been albatrosses which conservative candidates could hang around the necks of some of their moderate or liberal challengers, it now appears that hard opposition to gay marriage and perhaps even to marijuana liberalization could become issues moderates and liberals can use against their conservative opponents.”

Arizona is in the process of implementing its voter-approved medical marijuana law, which passed in 2010.


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