Israel: Over 90% of Medical Cannabis Patients Find Relief in the Medicine
Over 90% of patients enrolled in Israel’s medical cannabis program report significant improvements in symptoms such as pain and nausea, according to a new survey presented at the Sixth International Jerusalem Conference on Health Policy.
For the survey, researchers at Ben-Gurion University surveyed demographic characteristics of patients enrolled in the nation’s medical cannabis program over a period of two years. Only six percent stated that medical cannabis was ineffective in treating their condition. Patients were most likely to report that cannabis provided relief from pain, nausea, anxiety and loss of appetite.
A resounding 99.6% of the survey’s participants said they became medical cannabis patients after using conventional medications that were not effective; over 55% made the switch do to the side-effects of their past medication.
There are currently over 20,000 people enrolled in Israel’s medical cannabis program; Israel is one of just a few countries in the world to have a nationwide law allowing the use of medical cannabis.
Adam A Karu
VIVA Israel, as usually great work with everything you do in the Holly land! love you all guys spread the Cannabis word.