Obama Pardons Dozens More Drug Offenders, Including 20 Serving Life Sentences

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Obama Pardons Dozens More Drug Offenders, Including 20 Serving Life Sentences

obamaOn Friday, President Obama announced 42 additional grants of clemency to men and women serving years in prison under outdated and unduly harsh drug sentencing laws. 20 of these individuals were set to spend the rest of their life in prison.

To date, the President has commuted the sentences of 348 individuals, 150 more than the previous seven Presidents combined. According to a White House blog post; “He remains committed to using his clemency power throughout the remainder of the Administration to give more deserving individuals that same second chance.”

The blog post notes, however, that; “Despite these important efforts, only legislation can bring about lasting change to the federal system. There remain thousands of men and women in federal prison serving sentences longer than necessary, often due to overly harsh mandatory minimum sentences. That is one reason it is critical that both the House and the Senate continue to cooperate on a bipartisan basis to get a criminal justice reform bill to the President’s desk.”

These pardons follow 58 pardons granted by Preident Obama last month.

Delta Extrax

1 Comment

  • Christina
    June 6, 2016

    I had taken ambien at bedtime….I had a glass of wine earlier. I was in my pjs no makeup jewelry on hair was a mess….well I ended up sleep driving about 5 miles and sheared a utility pole in half. this was not done intentially and I would love to get it expunged but who do I begin this process?

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