New Poll: 58% of Americans Support Legalizing Cannabis

marijuana card

New Poll: 58% of Americans Support Legalizing Cannabis

A new survey of over 450,000 Americans, conducted by the polling firm CivicScience, has found that a strong majority of Americans are instory-legal-potgood2-165145 favor of legalizing cannabis. Of those polled, 58% stated they support cannabis legalization, with just 39% opposed, and 7% undecided.

The survey asked the following question; “Would you support or oppose a law in your state that would legalize, tax, and regulate marijuana like alcohol?”

Of those in support, 39% said they’re “strongly” in support, with 19% saying they’re “somewhat” in support. Of those opposed, 29% “strongly” oppose the move, and 6% “somewhat” oppose the move.

Compared to women, a higher percentage of men were found to support cannabis legalization, though the numbers weren’t drastically different (60% for men, 55% for women).

Delta Extrax

The findings of this CivicScience poll don’t differ much from a survey released by the Pew Research Center in April, which found that 54% of Americans support legalizing cannabis.



  • Janet Evans
    September 7, 2014

    Thank you to Cicic Science for their survey. Just read about the coffee shops over seas in Europe. Wow. I sure would like to relax with my friends using cannabis flowers in a bud shop. It is the way of the future. Everybody with less stress and a smile on their faces. Take me! We have bars in the US of A. Now let us have the cannabis coffee shop. Take Me! Change is on the way. Washington needs to pick up speed and quit making it too costly for the common people. New York City! Quit supporting the hidden market and get on board the sea of change. You are embarassing! Everybody knows there are a ton of people there who want weed. Don’t support organized crime. Take up the cause of recreational cannabis or we will suspect your leaders of being paid off.

  • Janet Evans
    September 7, 2014

    Say that again! Thank you to CIVIC SCIENCE for their survey. Just go to colorado and you will see how cannabis is the way of the future. The demand is high; the prices could be lower, but that will come when more states learn to swim in the sea of change. No sharks, please. We want this trade to be above board, legal and a change that will make us a better country. Don’t forget agriculture in the wave of legal hemp too. Some people even use hemp for food. We do not know the challenges we will face in the future. Let us research hemp to help.

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