New Gallup Poll: 58% of Americans Support Cannabis Legalization
A new Gallup poll has found that a strong majority – 58% – of those in America support the recreational legalization of cannabis. This marks the first time that the annual poll has found majority support for the issue. When the polling firm began asking the question in 1969, support for legalizing cannabis was at 12%.
“Success at the ballot box in the past year in Colorado and Washington may have increased Americans’ tolerance for marijuana legalization”, state’s Gallup in today’s press release about the polling; “Support for legalization has jumped 10 percentage points since last November and the legal momentum shows no sign of abating.”
The poll found that those aged 65 and older were the only age group to oppose the move, though support is still at 45%, which is only 3% lower than the average for the whole nation in last year’s poll. Support was high among Democrats (65%) and Independents (62%), with Republican support remaining considerably lower, but growing (35%).
According to Gallup: “With Americans’ support for legalization quadrupling since 1969, and localities on the East Coast such as Portland, Maine, considering a symbolic referendum to legalize marijuana, it is clear that interest in this drug and these issues will remain elevated in the foreseeable future.
– TheJointBlog
New Gallup Poll: 58% Support Cannabis Legalization