New FBI Report: Cannabis Arrests Up for First Time Since 2009, One Arrest Every 45 Seconds
According to a new FBI report titled 2014 Crime in the United States, there was 700,993 cannabis arrests in the United States in 2014. Of those arrests, approximately 620,000 were for simple possession. This number represents an increase of roughly 11,000 from 2013, the first time cannabis arrests have increased since 2009.
According to this data, one cannabis arrest occurs every 45 seconds in the United States. Of all drugs arrests made in 2014, 45% were for a cannabis-related charge, with 88% of those being for nothing more than simple possession. Police arrested more people in 2014 for drug crimes than any other crime.
Prior to this new increase, cannabis arrests were on a steady decline. They went from 757,969 in 2011, to 749,825 in 2012, and once again dropped in 2013 to 693,482. However, this decline stopped this year, as there was a roughly 1% increase in U.S. cannabis arrests.
The full FBI report can be found by clicking here.
– TheJointBlog
If arrests are up after legalization in a few states must be the profiling of other illegal states. Example if you have Colorado license plates and are driving through Neb, ok, kan, utah wyoming or texas expect to be profiled and pulled over. Must be the increase in cannabis arrests since Colo. Wash NY DC oregon alaska cali arrests are down for cannabis.