Need a Boost in the Bedroom? Try CBD

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Need a Boost in the Bedroom? Try CBD

CBD, also known as cannabidiol, is a naturally occurring compound found in hemp and cannabis plants. Unlike many other cannabinoids, CBD doesn’t have any psychoactive properties. This means that after taking CBD, you won’t feel high, euphoric, or altered in any way. However, CBD does offer all sorts of other benefits, including perks that may improve your bedroom life.

There are dozens upon dozens of CBD products that can improve overall health. Some brands have even created CBD lube and other items that are specifically designed to improve performance and enhancement in the bedroom.

Looking for a boost in between the sheets? Here’s how CBD may be exactly what the bedroom is missing.

Why CBD Belongs in the Bedroom

These days, CBD products have flooded the market. Whether you’re shopping in-store or online, chances are that you’ll come across CBD oil, CBD gummies, capsules, or even topical products. With the legalization of CBD products a few years back, the demand and popularity for these all-natural products has only continued to grow.

Delta Extrax

As the health benefits of CBD are more widely studied and understood, more brands have added CBD to some unexpected products, including:

  • Personal lubricants
  • Oral sprays
  • Massage lotions

These products are specifically designed to be used in the bedroom in order to spice things up and to offer enhanced enjoyment for you and your partner. But how do these products give you a boost between the sheets? Here’s what you need to know.

What the Science Says

While most evidence is anecdotal, it’s thought that CBD offers many benefits when it comes to adult activities. It’s well-known that CBD decreases inflammation, increases blood flow, and relaxes the muscles throughout the body.

This may cause some women to experience better orgasms due to heightened sensations. It may also benefit those who experience pain during intercourse.

Another perk of using CBD in the bedroom is that the cannabinoid may increase receptivity to touch and arousal. So if you need help getting frisky or want to “get ready” quicker, CBD lube could be just what you need.

CBD is also a mood booster. When taken, it increases anandamide and oxytocin. Anandamide is called the bliss neurotransmitter while oxytocin is known as the cuddle hormone. Heightened levels of these chemicals in the body will offer a memorable night.

Last but definitely not least, CBD can be extremely helpful for those who experience performance anxiety. There’s nothing worse than letting your fears and worries overcome you when it’s “that” time. Stress and anxiety can have a huge impact on performance and pleasure. So, by taking CBD before doing the deed can give you the mental clarity and confidence you need for a great experience.

CBD in the bedroom

How to Get the Bedroom Experience You Want Using CBD

If you’re looking to change things up in the bedroom with a new CBD product, there are some things you’ll want to know first. When used properly, CBD can make a world of a difference in the bedroom.

Only Use Quality CBD

Quality is the most important factor when introducing CBD into the bedroom. A low quality product won’t deliver the results that you want. Because the CBD industry isn’t regulated, it’s very likely that there are low-quality, mislabeled products on the market.

To ensure that you’re only bringing the best of the best into your bedroom, take the time to research a brand and its products before making a purchase. You can find in-depth information about many of the top names in the CBD industry by using CBDGrade.

This website offers detailed information about some of today’s most well-known CBD brands, including ReceptraNaturals, Sunday Scaries, and many others. The more you know about a brand, the easier it is to decide if it’s the right one for you.

After reading about a CBD manufacturer, you may also want to check out customer reviews. CBD product users offer first-hand information about their experiences with a certain product. Buying CBD that has mostly positive reviews increases the chance that you too will have a good experience.

Only Buy CBD Products That Have Been Lab Tested

As stated earlier, the CBD industry lacks regulation and oversight by a federal body. This means that there’s a risk of products being mislabeled or products that contain potentially harmful ingredients. With third party lab testing, you can confirm that what’s advertised about a product is actually true.

You can find all of the information about a product’s ingredients by reviewing the certificate of analysis (COA). This document provides all sorts of details, including all of the compounds found in a product as well as their percentages.

For example, a COA will indicate:

  • Percentage of CBD, THC, and other cannabinoids
  • Type and percentage of terpenes
  • Type and percentage of flavonoids
  • Existence of harmful compounds (ie. solvents, pesticides, mold, etc.)

As a rule of thumb, you never want to buy a CBD product that hasn’t been tested by a third party lab. Imagine applying a CBD lubricant or topical product to your skin without knowing that it’s entirely safe to use. The risk is huge!

A product that’s been tested offers peace of mind so that you can buy with confidence and have one less worry when it’s time to do the deed.

Be Patient

Though it can be hard (no pun intended!), CBD isn’t a product that will give you immediate results. In fact, it can take hours to really feel the full effects of CBD. Ideally, you’ll want to apply or take CBD at least 60 minutes ahead of time. This gives CBD enough time to enter your bloodstream so that you feel results.

If after a few uses you still don’t notice any improvement in the bedroom, you may need to try a different product with a higher CBD concentration. Sometimes it takes trial and error to find the perfect product that makes you really feel good.


CBD is probably the last thing you’d think to add to the bedroom, but research shows that it may be just what you’re missing. Whether you want to minimize performance anxiety or want heightened sensations, CBD can help.

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