Marijuana and Appetite

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Marijuana and Appetite

A lack of appetite can be a serious condition when chronic. When we don’t eat, our health suffers.

Many conditions, as well as medications, cause a lack of appetite. However, there aren’t many ways to treat it.

Marijuana is an approved medication for appetite loss; however, CBD may also help ease symptoms. This article explains how marijuana is used to stimulate appetite and help people regain their health.

Lack of Appetite

While there is plenty of exposure given to the phenomenon of overeating and obesity in the United States and around the world, the truth is that a lack of appetite can be an equally troublesome problem. Not having an appetite can cause problems for people who are already underweight, or individuals who are losing weight when they shouldn’t or don’t want to.

What causes lack of appetite

A lack of appetite can be due to a variety of reasons. One reason for losing your appetite could be the side effects of a medication that you are on. It could also be the result of emotional causes such as stress, anxiety, or depression. Sometimes food doesn’t seem to taste good, or cooking a meal feels like too much work. In any case, it’s important to get back to a healthy and normal appetite so you can maintain a healthy weight and your health overall.

Symptoms Lack of Appetite

Delta Extrax

Lack of Appetite

Types of lack of appetite

There are a variety of feelings that cause a lack of appetite. It might be a disinterest in eating food altogether because it simply doesn’t appeal, or it might be that you have mouth pain, tooth pain, or some other symptom, causing you not to want to chew any food. Perhaps you have undergone treatment for something unrelated, and a lack of appetite is a side effect of that. Maybe you feel sick to your stomach, and the idea of eating is not a pleasant one.

Symptoms of lack of appetite

If you no longer have an interest in eating the foods that you normally would love to eat; you likely are suffering from a lack of appetite. If your meals are getting smaller or you aren’t able to finish a “normal” amount of food for more than just a day or two (or more than a temporary reaction to the flu or a cold), then it’s probably a lack of appetite that needs to be addressed.

Nausea can also be a significant symptom of and cause for lack of appetite. This can come from a variety of causes, sometimes making it difficult to fix. A lack of appetite, in general, is hard to fix, as forcing food down is not a pleasant endeavor for anyone.

Symptoms included with a lack of appetite are sometimes:

  • Lack of interest in food
  • Dry mouth
  • Nausea
  • Diarrhea
  • Dulled taste buds
  • Weight loss

Current treatments for lack of appetite

There are certain actions recommended for lack of appetite, chosen based on the reasons behind it and the specific symptoms. For example, when suffering from nausea, you’re often told to eat bland foods and not lie down after eating. This is somewhat useful at best, and for some people, it simply doesn’t work at all.

Medication for Appetite

Medication for Appetite

If you have dry mouth from something such as a disease, nerve damage, or chemotherapy, you may be told that chewing gum or sucking on a hard candy will help stimulate saliva production. Drinking water and non-alcoholic, non-caffeinated drinks is supposed to help as well.
If your lack of appetite comes from a tooth or mouth ache, they’ll say eat soft foods instead of ones that need to be chewed. This, of course, is only a short-term solution, as it’s important to include solids in your diet.

Tip: make sure to download my free Grow Bible for more information about treatments

Sometimes a lack of appetite comes from a decrease in the ability to taste. This can be a result of taking medication or undergoing radiation therapy, having a head trauma, an ear infection, or even problems in your teeth. One way to fight this is to choose good-looking foods — but still, this will only help a little bit.
There are a variety of at-home methods for stimulating appetite, but they are all relatively unreliable. If your problem is nausea, medication can help — but that always comes with a list of unpleasant or even potentially dangerous side effects.

CBD and lack of appetite

It’s no secret that using marijuana stimulates the appetite. In perhaps more common terms, it gives users “the munchies.” It seems to cause users to want more food to no end. While this can be troublesome for those prone to overeating, for people suffering from a lack of appetite, it is a godsend.

Medical Research on Medical Marijuana and Lack of appetite

Perhaps because it’s one of the most starkly noticeable effects of consuming marijuana, studies have been done on the curious “munchies” phenomenon. One Yale study delved into the experience, exploring why marijuana users want to eat, explaining the science behind it. Basically, there is a mechanism in our bodies that turns off feeding, but after smoking marijuana that mechanism is actually responsible for causing our brain to want more food. Feeling full has little effect on a person with “the munchies.”

Medical Research in Marijuana for Lack of Appetite

Medical Research in Marijuana for Lack of Appetite

This same study pointed out the benefits such an effect can have on certain people, such as cancer patients who are undergoing treatment and lose their appetite as a result. The same neurons in the brain that are responsible for this switch are also responsible for things such as alertness and sexual arousal. These neurons are known as POMC neurons, or pro-opiomelanocortin neurons. These neurons are located in the hypothalamus are described in this study from 2014.

Medical Research on CBD and lack of appetite

While CBD isn’t known for its appetite-stimulating properties (in other words, it doesn’t give users “the munchies” the same way THC is known to do); it can still have some beneficial effects on people suffering from a lack of appetite. One of these significant benefits is functioning as a digestive aid; both because it stimulates appetite and it eases nausea and vomiting.

While research into the beneficial properties of CBD for people with a lack of appetite is only in its beginning stages; there is enough anecdotal evidence to show that it can have at least some benefit to those who are suffering from a lack of appetite.


Marijuana is best known for containing cannabinoids, and CBD as well as THC are both examples of the many cannabinoids contained within this amazing plant. Cannabinoids are taken in by the endocannabinoid system within our bodies; this is how our body is able to react to these substances. At least 7 cannabinoids are contained within marijuana plants.

CBD helps out the gastrointestinal system (which is good for lack of appetite) and also assists with inflammation; emotional disorders (which can also affect appetite); and eases the symptoms of neurological disorders. It reduces pain as well, but it doesn’t stimulate appetite the same way as THC.

THC is responsible for the “high” feeling that is famous of marijuana. It stimulates appetite extremely well, and it also assists with fatigue and asthma.

How to take medical marijuana for lack of appetite

If a lack of appetite is causing a problem with your health, you might be interested in using cannabis to help. You can take marijuana in a variety of ways, including the most common (or at least the most stereotypes), smoking it. Smoking it can, unfortunately, reduce the beneficial, healing effects that marijuana can have, however, so other methods are often preferred when using marijuana for its medicinal properties.

medical vaporizer cannabis

Medical vaporizer cannabis

One such way of taking marijuana is using a vaporizer. While it seems similar to smoking, it actually does not need to be heated up as high, meaning the marijuana’s therapeutic effects are allowed to be felt in their full force. Vaporizing provides fast relief when it is needed. Other options are tinctures, pills, transdermal applications, or edibles.

CBD oil to treat lack of appetite

If you suffer from a lack of appetite, it is possible that CBD oil could help you quite a bit. This, of course, will vary based on what is behind your lack of appetite. Theoretically speaking; if your gastrointestinal issues are causing a lack of appetite, then taking CBD oil in some form should relieve that. If you simply don’t feel like eating for reasons unknown, THC might additionally benefit you.

CBD oil is a concentrated form of marijuana that can allow you to get the benefits of CBD without needing to deal with any part of the plant. For people wanting fast relief but who don’t want to smoke marijuana, CBD oil can be the best choice for the relief of their lack of appetite.

Grow your own appetite medication

Instead of paying for costly and dangerous prescription drugs; growing your own “medication” in the form of marijuana can be an extremely healthy and practical option. This will allow you to have exactly as much as you need, whenever you need it; without a middle man (a doctor eager to write prescriptions) involved.

The main thing you need to think about when growing marijuana is which strain you want to grow, as different strains can vary in the effects that they have on the user. The best strains for appetite stimulation are those with CBD and THC, such as ….. Order them today and get going on relieving your lack of appetite.

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