Let’s Talk Cannabis Science
Cannabis is a non-lethal, vastly medicinal, and wonderfully therapeutic plant. It being outlawed is one of the largest travesties of our time. The more we move forward as a society, and the more science improves, the more we learn of the true benefits of cannabis and ending its prohibition. Only propaganda and special interests have kept the beast alive.
The government, of course, does everything it can to stop legitimate research on the issue, besides to find potential negatives. Which, as far back as Nixon and the Shafer Report, tends to backfire.
Despite the resistance, science, especially over the past several years, has begun to make a mockery of the typical stereotypes and myths surrounding cannabis. Here is a look at some of the more important cannabis related studies to come our way in recent years.
Cannabis and your health:
- Cannabis May Combat PTSD – 2013: Recent research conducted by the New York University School of Medicine has found that marijuana may be the best medicine available for post traumatic stress disorder, as it may combat its symptoms by bringing equilibrium in a person’s CB1 receptors.
- Cannabis May Protect the Brain – 2013: According to research published recently in the journal Neuropharmacology, one of the primary compounds in marijuana was found to have neuroprotective capabilities.
- Cannabis May Help Reverse Dementia – 2013:– According to researchers at Neuroscience Research Australia, cannabidiol – one of the main medicinal components of cannabis – has been shown to reverse the symptoms of dementia in lab mice; “It basically brings the performance of the animals back to the level of healthy animals,” said one of the study’s researchers.
- Cannabis Use Associated With Lower Mortality Risk In Patients With Psychotic Disorders – 2012: A study published in the Journal of Psychiatric Research found that the use of cannabis is associated with lower mortality risk in patients with schizophrenia and related psychotic disorders.
- Smoking pot doesn’t hurt lung capacity – 2012: A federally funded study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association shows us that cannabis consumption not only doesn’t harm lung function, but it may actually improve lung function and capacity.
- Cannabis effective in combating late stage AIDS – 2012: Peer-reviewed research has shown promising signs of cannabis compounds being effective in combating late stage AIDS.
- Cannabis may help prevent strokes – 2012: Though only anecdotal evidence exist at the time, cannabis may have potential stroke-reducing and preventing effects.
- Multiple Sclerosis and Extract of Cannabis: results of the MUSEC trial – 2012: A study published in the Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry has found that cannabis extracts can significantly reduce muscle pain, as well as stiffness, in patients with multiple sclerosis.
- Recent Research on Medical Marijuana – 2012: NORML published this piece last year, which has an abundance of cannabis related research.
- Marijuana may help PTSD – 2011: Studies have shown that cannabis may be beneficial to those who suffer from PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder).
- Marijuana Chemical May Fight Brain Cancer – 2009: One of the primary active compound in cannabis may help destroy brain cancer cells, a study finds.
- Marijuana compound could help fight breast cancer – 2007: Researchers at California Pacific Medical Center in San Francisco, and funded by the California Breast Cancer Research Program, have found that one of the main compounds in cannabis could help fight breast cancer.
- Marijuana Cuts Lung Cancer Tumor Growth In Half, Study Shows – 2007: A detailed Harvard study show us that cannabis can significantly cut tumor growth.
- Marijuana may help stave off Alzheimer’s – 2006: Research suggests that cannabis may help prevent Alzheimer’s disease, by preserving brain function.
- Study Finds No Cancer-Marijuana Connection – 2006: The University of California, conducting the largest study of its kind, concluded that not only is there no link between even heavy cannabis use and lung cancer, but that cannabis consumers may actually be less prone to it than non-smokers, a conclusion even the head of the study found surprising.
- Heavy Marijuana Use Doesn’t Damage Brain – 2003: Cannabis doesn’t cause brain damage, damage the brain, or kill braincells.
- Past Pot Use Has No Negative Impact On Intelligence, Canadian IQ Study Says – 2002: “Marijuana smoking, even long-term, does not harm intelligence”, according to findings published in the Canadian Medical Association Journal.
Cannabis policy:
- Medical Marijuana Does Not Increase Teen Drug Use – 2012: A study using statistical data found evidence that legalized medical cannabis does not increase teen drug use. In Arizona, teen usage of marijuana decreased afer the passage of their medical marijuana law, according to a study conducted by the Arizona Criminal Justice Commission.
- .Medical Marijuana: Clearing Away the Smoke – 2012: A study published in The Open Neurology Journal has concluded that “Based on evidence currently available, the Schedule I classification is not tenable; it is not accurate that cannabis has no medical value, or that information on safety is lacking.”
- Medical Marijuana Can Help Prevent Suicide – 2012: In a recent multi-university study it was shown that states which have passed medical cannabis laws have had a significant reduction in suicides, especially among young adults (an 11% drop in those 20-29).
- States That Legalized Medical Marijuana Saw Fewer Traffic Deaths, Study Finds – 2011: A study from 2011 found that states which have legalized medical cannabis have seen a reduction in traffic deaths, due mostly to the fact that these states also saw a reduction in alcohol consumption.
- Government Data Shows That Marijuana Prohibition Has Failed – 2010: A report by the International Centre for Science in Drug Policy, using almost entirely published U.S. government data, found that “increased funding for marijuana law enforcement is not associated any demonstrable reduction in marijuana availability, arrests, potency, or “rates of cannabis-related harm.”
- American College of Physicians Official Position Paper on Medical Marijuana – 2008: In an important paper, the American College of Physicians wrote out their official position on medical cannabis in 2008. They claimed that there is solid research to indicate that marijuana is effective medicine, and urged that we reconsider our federal ban so that we can do further research.
- Time to Legalize Marijuana? – 500+ Economists Endorse Marijuana Legalization – 2005: Milton Friedman, in addition to over 500 other economists, sent an open letter in 2005 to the President, Congress, Governors, and State Legislatures pointing out the economic benefits of legalizing cannabis.
There are hundred of other studies in addition to these, so we urge you to look up more on your own, and to share them liberally. When it comes to cannabis law reform, knowledge is most certainly power.
[ Updated June 1st, 2013 ]
– TheJointBlog