Legal Cannabis in Uruguay to be $2.5 Per Gram
Cannabis is on the verge of being legalized in Uruguay, with the nation’s House of Representatives recently passing a president-backed legalization measure which has enough support in the Senate to be approved. Once the law takes effect, cannabis possession and private home cultivation will be legalized for adults 18 and older, as will government-authorized sales through cannabis clubs and designated pharmacies.
Under the proposed regulation system, cannabis will be sold at only $2.5 per gram, according to Univision.
According to advocates of the proposed law, having the price set at a reasonable rate is important, so to sway people away from the black-market which tends to fund criminal enterprises.
As the nation moves forward with this plan to legalize and regulate cannabis, the whole world is watching closely. In September, Uruguay’s president will give a speech to the United Nations, defending this new policy.
– TheJointBlog
Anjanette M. H.
This is fantastic! I’m so stoked! Go Uruguay go! Be the change we want to see in the world!
Andy came
All I can say is well done Uruguay, one of the most progressive and forward thinking states around and notice how they set a sensible price so that they can remove the product from the black market. Criminals in Uruguay will notice a massive whole in their profits this year. Unfortunately in the UK David Cameron is in league with the criminals and will anything he can to protect their profits.
May Jah Jay be with Uruguay…
dat 2.5$ g…..
Will foreigners be able to but it?
Uruguay is on my bucket list for a vacation.
are we sure its 2.5 in american currency?
8 times less expensive is the way you get rid of the black market
perfect!!! nice reasonable pricing .. You can bet the mericuns will want to charge some sick dollar amount if they make it legal …
The 2.5 is in American Dollars. You can tell by the $ Sign. Other Currency use other symbols.
There’s several other currencies that use the $ symbol, such as the Singapore dollar, but I agree with Patrick that this is most likely USD.
I need weed
Toke Bloke
Uruguay just made the best decision in their nation’s history.
Tourism will sky rocket.
Dolla dolla billz ya’ll.
Haywood Jah Blowme
thats only 30 and oz
That’s $70/oz. 28g/oz $2.50/g; 28*$2.50=$70
Great job!
Bobby Hemphill
Well done you guys u have showed the rest of the world it can be done. I’d love to see the UK/Ireland do this take it out of the black market. And give the people the true medication not liver toxin pills. So Uruguay hat of to yous well done. So the rest of the world need to take the leap please hurry up. 🙂
Uruguay’s President is the best president in the world.
Hot Rock
I agree with Gerson ^^ yo.
Stoner Things
I’m interested to see how this goes! Free the Weed
$2.5 A GRAM! I’m shaking! :O
thats over 1100 a p. u can do that here in cali rite after harvest. <:-}}
omg this is going to be soooo good for uruguay!!!! i think its a really smart idea!!! and it will generate a lot of tourism too!! way to progress!!!! 😀
CBD, cannabidiol, is in both marijuana and hemp (also cannabis). And the benefits of “medical marijuana” are found in both concentrated hemp and in marijuana
It is time to take marijuana away from the cartels and regulate this substance!
Youth use of marijuana goes down when prohibition is lifted and taxes can help this economy.
How to invest in this economy or get the benefits of cannabis no matter where you live?
Follow this:
Hemp is legal to possess in ALL 50 states. CBD is present in hemp oil at 40mg a gallon but can be very concentrated in extracts now available.
Legal states for all cannabis (legal thc containing cannabis) are noticing that half of all sales are for edibles and extracts!
The premier company in the legal state of Colorado is Dixie Botanicals and DIxie Elixers, two companies owned by MJNA.
MJNA is the alpha source of CBD from legal hemp through their other company RSHO (Phytosphere)!
MJNA, a stock traded on the stock market is about to rocket up!
As well for those that want CBD they can order it from ANY state legally from MJNA (phytosphere) or from Dixie Botanicals!
Invest in the “Green Rush”! MJNA is the ALPHA company to invest in!
Investing in MJNA is investing in America!
Help the sick and take cannabis away from the overseas cartels by investing in MJNA!
$2.5 a gram !! Wow, now that’s how it should be…here in NZ ,we still pay $20 for around, 0.7-9 of a gram. This country desperately needs to ‘legalize it’, the Gangs control the majority of street drugs here..