Kansas Bill Legalizing Cannabinoid Medicines Passes Senate Committee
A Kansas Senate committee has passed a bill to legalize cannabinoid (CBD) medicines.
Senate Bill 151 was approved Thursday by the Senate Federal and State Affairs Committee, moving it towards a full Senate vote. Under the proposed law; “a person shall not be subject to arrest, prosecution or penalty in any manner for possessing, utilizing, dispensing or distributing any non-intoxicating cannabinoid medicine or any apparatus or paraphernalia used to administer such medicine pursuant to a physician recommendation.”
The proposal makes it clear that; ‘a physician shall not be subject to arrest, prosecution or penalty in any manner, including any form of professional discipline by the state board of healing arts, for issuing a recommendation order, with the same intent, force and effect as a prescription order, to a patient for the use of non-intoxicating cannabinoid medicine.”
The measure would allow pharmacists to distribute the medicine, stating; “a licensed pharmacist shall not be subject to arrest, prosecution or penalty in any manner, including any form of professional discipline by the state board of pharmacy, for dispensing or distributing any non-intoxicating cannabinoid medicine pursuant to a physician recommendation order.”
The full text of Senate Bill 151 can be found by clicking here.