Initiative to Legalize Recreational Cannabis Filed in Mississippi, Would Allow Unlimited Possession
An initiative to legalize recreational cannabis for everyone 21 and older has been filed in Mississippi. To put Proposition 60 to a vote of the people, proponents must now collect roughly 86,000 signatures, with at least 17,237 from each of the state’s five congressional districts
If placed on the ballot and approved into law, the initiative would legalize the possession of cannabis for those 21 and older, with no specific limit set. The personal cultivation of up to 24 cannabis plants would also be legalized (with any more requiring a growers license), as would state-licensed cannabis retail outlets. These outlets would be taxed 7% at the point-of-sale, though medical cannabis and hemp would be exempt from said tax.
Here is the measure’s ballot summary:
Initiative No. 60 proposes to legalize the use, taxation, cultivation and sale of industrial hemp and cannabis for persons 21 or older. Cannabis crimes would be punishable in a manner similar to alcohol related crimes. The initiative requires the Legislature to adopt an expungement process for non-violent cannabis crimes and requires the Governor to pardon non-violent cannabis offenders. The initiative delegates enforcement authority to the Chancery Courts.
The initiative’s full text can be found by clicking here.
Timothy Locke
You can not cut deals with the Enemy in the middle of a War and expect Compassion from the Enemy.
Legislation is just Competition Control, and you are the Competition to be Controlled.
Malcolm Kyle
“With over 5 million people on probation or parole in the United States, drug use on parole or probation has become the primary basis by which thousands of people are returned to prison. These technical violations of parole or probation account for as many as 40% of new prison admissions in some jurisdictions.” – page 6
“The war on drugs has also generated indirect costs that many researchers contend have undermined public safety. The federal government has prioritized spending and grants for drug task forces and widespread drug interdiction efforts that often target low-level drug dealing. These highly organized and coordinated efforts have been very labor intensive for local law enforcement agencies with some unanticipated consequences for investigation of other crimes. The focus on drugs is believed to have redirected law enforcement resources that have resulted in more drunk driving, and decreased investigation and enforcement of violent crime laws. In Illinois, a 47% increase in drug arrests corresponded with a 22% decrease in arrests for drunk driving. Florida researchers have similarly linked the focus on low level drug arrests with an increase in the serious crime index.”
–Drug Policy, Criminal Justice and Mass Imprisonment, by Bryan Stevenson
Add that to the fact once you have that record you cant vote and that alone makes it hard to implemint much needed change.
This is the same failed attempt from last year with only 1/10 of the signatures required. Very sad that it’s so bold it’s stupid.
I agree. There should be a 2 ounce limit and 2-3 plants per adult per household. Take baby steps. It almost seems like it’s written so it won’t be passed.
The reason people aren’t signing who smoke don’t want to be jeopardized at work.People judge you for being a smoker…People don’t want to loose their jobs…..
Robyn Blanpied
End the war on Americans. Legalize.
Instead of going to straight recreational go for medical at least for now and then go after recreational once medical is passed
Where do i sign it at ? I signed it last time….
Jesse Greer
Keep us posted .im a disabled vet.i take as many as 6 opiets a dsy. If we could Legalize marijuana i could stop compleaty.with out withdrawls or having to go in rehab.and there are thousands if not a million like me.
Sean emison
Where do I sign
Where do i sign
I don’t see them going straight to recreational, that just won’t happen in MS until we get the older regeneration using the medicinal and realizing how non-taboo this little plant actually is.
Angie Turnage
I think it should be legalized
Bunch of dopers
I’ve been smoking weed since 1994. I like it more and more every time. I like the good kind though. Don’t like dirty weed.
Were do I vote to legalize marijuana I have 2 marijuana charges one more and I could be gone for a while I t helps me with anxiety and helps me eat and it has never hurt any body I do not no what the big deal is about it helps depression to I love marry why do they hate