Initiative Drive to Legalize Cannabis Begins Next Month in Oregon
The proponents of Oregon’s Measure 80 – which would have legalized cannabis in Oregon but failed narrowly in the 2012 election – will begin circulating and gathering signatures next month for two new cannabis legalization initiatives aimed at the 2014 ballot; one is a state-law change, and one is a constitutional amendment.
“We will have two Oregon initiatives to end adult marijuana prohibition and restore hemp ready for circulation and gathering signatures in the first week in September”, says Paul Stanford, chief petitioner of Measure 80 and these new initiatives, and President of The Hemp and Cannabis Foundation. Stanford says that they will also “begin circulating a third petition that will give people more rights than corporations”.
“Contact our office at 2712 NE Sandy Blvd., Portland, OR 97232, or call us at 503-235-4606 to get petitions, volunteer, contribute or get a job gathering signatures”, Stanford says, “We are hiring petitioners now. Please help. Thank you!”
Based on recent polling, Stanford has the support of Oregonians; 57% in the state are in support of cannabis legalization.
– TheJointBlog
i think it must be legalized..im in Egypt, highly doubt i’ll be of much use 4 u, or would I! anyway keep it up an my heart is with u.
.. One Love.