Initiative Campaign to Legalize Cannabis Launched in Wyoming
The newly-formed Wyoming chapter of the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws (NORML) has launched an initiative drive aimed at legalizing cannabis in one of the most conservative states in the nation.
“We don’t like being told what to do by the federal government,” states Christine Christian, Executive Director of Wyoming NORML, “And Wyoming doesn’t like regulations and having our money go somewhere else.”
The group is hoping to put their initiative to a vote of the people in 2016, the next presidential election; they’ll be required to collect roughly 37,000 valid signatures to do so.
Under current Wyoming law, the possession of even a few grams of cannabis can result in a misdemeanor that carries with it up to a year in prison, something that Christian believes creates more harm than good; “There are way too many people in jail over possessing minor amounts of marijuana… All we are doing is sending them to jail and making them better criminals.”
Those wanting to get involved in this effort, or learn more about it, should go to Wyoming NORML’s website by clicking here.
– TheJointBlog