How Many Grams Are in an Ounce of Marijuana

marijuana card

How Many Grams Are in an Ounce of Marijuana

When purchasing cannabis, an ounce is a common quantity – especially among regular consumers. But how many grams are in an ounce of marijuana?

When it comes to purchasing marijuana, an ounce is often considered the holy grail.  It’s not the largest quantity you can purchase, but it represents an amount large enough to actually last a while, even for heavy consumers. When it comes to the marijuana market, an ounce of marijuana is 28 grams. However, technically speaking an ounce of marijuana is 28.34 grams.

The same barely-noticeable discrepancy is true of all other typical forms of marijuana quantities that are sold. For example:

  • 1/8 an ounce = 3.54 grams
  • 1/4 an ounce = 7.08 grams
  • 1/2 an ounce = 14.17 grams
  • 1 ounce = 28.34 grams

Below is a visual comparison of these quantities, provided by Leafly:


Delta Extrax

In addition to the standard one gram, these four quantities will all be an option when purchasing marijuana; this is true whether purchasing from a dealer or a legal cannabis retail outlet. Some offer smaller amounts, such as half grams, but that has become more uncommon in recent years.

Other quantities of marijuana:

The quantities shown in the image above are the most common when it comes to marijuana. However, some like to purchase even larger amounts. Here are some of those options:

Quarter pound of marijuana:

A quarter pound of marijuana is the same as four ounces. Given that most legal states have a limit of 2.5 ounces of less, purchasing a quarter pound or more at one time is typically relegated to the black market. A quarter pound equals:

  • 32 eights
  • 112 grams

Half pound of marijuana:

A half pound of marijuana is the same as eight ounces. A half pound equals:

  • 64 eights
  • 224 grams

Full pound of marijuana:

A full pound of marijuana is the same as 16 ounces. A full pound equals:

    • 128 eights
    • 448 grams

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