Discount Tire Donates $1 Million to Fight Legalization in Arizona: Time for a Boycott

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Discount Tire Donates $1 Million to Fight Legalization in Arizona: Time for a Boycott

cannabudThe Discount Tire Co. has just contributed $1 million to the primary campaign working to defeat Arizona’s Proposition 205, which would legalize cannabis for everyone 21 and older and is up for a vote next month.

Discount Tire, the largest privately help company in Arizona and one of the largest companies throughout the country with over 900 stores, donated the $1 million to Arizonans for Responsible Drug Policy. This is according to financial records released by the Arizona Secretary of State’s office.

Clearly a boycott is in order for those who support a reformation of our failed cannabis policies. Anyone who supports legalization should no longer shop at a Discount Tire store, and should urge their friends and family to do the same.

If Proposition 205 is passed into law next month, it would be legal for those 21 and older to possess and cultivate cannabis for personal reasons, as well as purchase it from a licensed retail outlet. Those in support of this measure can donate their time and money to help pass it into law by clicking here.

Delta Extrax

You can contact Discount Tire to let them know how you feel about them fighting legalization by clicking here.

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