Colorado Governor Signs Bill Requiring Schools to Allow Medical Cannabis Use
Colorado Governor John Hickenlooper has signed into law legislation that requires schools to establish policies allowing students who are medical cannabis patients to use their medicine while at school. The governor’s signature comes roughly a month after the measure was passed in the House of Representatives with a 56 to 9 vote; it was passed in the Senate unanimously, 35 to 0.
The new law is an expansion of a law Colorado lawmakers passed last year, which allows school districts to create policies allowing the use of medical cannabis on school premises. However, the law didn’t require districts to allow its use or create a standardized policy for medical cannabis; this has led to just one school district in Colorado (Falcon School District 49 in El Paso County) beginning the process of enacting a medical cannabis policy.
Under this new law, if a district doesn’t enact a policy allowing medical cannabis to be used by students on school grounds, then a parent or legal guardian would be allowed to come and administer the medicine for them.
The measure went into effect immediately.