Cannabis Supplements For Pets Presents: The Best CBD Oils For Your Pet

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Cannabis Supplements For Pets Presents: The Best CBD Oils For Your Pet

Until recently, Blake Armstrong was a pet owner like any other. That’s until his dog, Rosie, got sick with cancer and he started treating her with CBD. After seeing a huge improvement in Rosie’s quality of life, Blake launched Cannabis Supplements For Pets; a website for pet owners covering the health benefits of CBD with reviews of leading CBD pet brands.

A few years ago, Blake and his family got hit with the news every pet owner dreads; Rosie, their family dog, had cancer. And while Rosie was in pretty good shape at the time of her diagnosis, the vets made it clear that there was no way of curing her. Instead, they told Blake and his family to focus on giving her the best quality of life in the time she had left with them.

“And that’s exactly what we did,” said Blake. “We took Rosie on walks, started feeding her supplements, kept her active, and made sure she was eating well. And for a while, that worked.”

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Soon, however, Rosie’s condition started to get worse. Blake and his family noticed small changes at first; Rosie seemed to be more in pain, and some daily activities started to seem a little more difficult for her. Her mobility decreased, and she started to be a bit more lethargic.

“When things got to their lowest point, Rosie seemed like a completely different dog. She hardly moved, avoided almost any kind of physical strain, and her appetite dropped dramatically,” says Blake. Rosie also suffered from hip dysplasia from a young age, and the inflammation in her hip got worse as her cancer progressed.

Desperate to find something to help Rosie cope, Blake and his wife learned that some pet owners were giving their animals CBD (cannabidiol), a compound found in cannabis and hemp. Blake and his wife already knew that CBD and other cannabinoids had health benefits for humans, but they were unaware that these compounds could work for pets, too.

“That’s when I started researching and learned that, like humans, dogs, cats, horses, and many other animals also have an endocannabinoid system,” he says. “The endocannabinoid system is a naturally occurring physiological system that mediates all kinds of bodily processes, from mood and memory to pain and inflammation.”

The theory behind the medicinal properties of cannabinoids lies in that they can help regulate the endocannabinoid system and thereby mediate processes like pain sensation, anxiety, nausea and vomiting, digestive problems and much more.

After researching CBD and the endocannabinoid system and learning that it’s a safe, non-toxic, and legal compound, Blake and his wife decided to give it a shot. And the results were incredible.

Within a few weeks, Rosie’s condition improved immensely. Her pain decreased, which ultimately improved her energy levels and mobility. Her appetite also started to improve, and the inflammation in her hip reduced, too.

Unfortunately, Blake and his family eventually lost Rosie to her cancer. But he says they were prepared for that.

“We never had the expectations that CBD would save Rosie. We knew this was no cure-all. What we do know, however, is that it did exactly what we needed it to; relieve Rosie’s symptoms so she could enjoy her final time with us,” he says.

After seeing what CBD can do for animals, Blake launched; a website where he publishes his own research on the potential health benefits of CBD for pets and reviews specific CBD pet brands.

“Medical studies can be hard to read, and not a lot of places help pet owners understand what the findings of clinical studies on CBD mean for their pets,” says Blake. On his website, he helps communicate the findings from clinical research to pet owners so they can understand the potential health benefits CBD can deliver to their animals.

Blake follows a meticulous research process for all of his content. He always includes his resources in his articles, which can include clinical trials, case studies, research papers, and more. And when it comes to writing reviews, Blake only reviews products that hold up to his standards.

“Trust me, I’m very particular and careful about what I give my animals. I’d only give them something I’d be willing to take myself,” he says. For pet owners like Blake, his website can serve as a well-curated library of information on the benefits of CBD for animals, how to use different CBD products, what products to consider trying, and much more.

“The end goal here is really to inform pet owners and help them make the best decisions about their animals’ health,” says Blake.

Contact Info: Name: Blake Armstrong


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