AG Jeff Sessions Asks Congress to Remove Federal Medical Marijuana Protections
According to a report by MassRoots’ Tom Angell, U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions has sent a letter asking members of Congress to undo protections that prevent the Department of Justice from enforcing federal marijuana laws in states that have legalized the plant for medical use.
“I believe it would be unwise for Congress to restrict the discretion of the Department to fund particular prosecutions, particularly in the midst of an historic drug epidemic and potentially long-term uptick in violent crime,” Sessions wrote in the letter sent to Congressional leadership from both parties. “The Department must be in a position to use all laws available to combat the transnational drug organizations and dangerous drug traffickers who threaten American lives.”
Sessions was referring to the Rohrabacher-Farr amendment, a provision initially passed during the Obama Administration that protects state-level medical cannabis programs from federal intrusion. The letter from Sessions was sent last month, and was obtained by MassRoots from a Congressional staffer.
Despite Sessions’ opposition to the amendment, it was included in a budget bill recently signed into law by President Trump. However, Trump kept open the possibility of ignoring the amendment, stating “I will treat this provision consistently with my constitutional responsibility to take care that the laws be faithfully executed”.
Becky Jamin
Jeff Sessions is a hypocritical SOB and just needs to GTFO
Mike L. Wallace Jr.
Sessions wants to incite Oppression & Misery on the Sick & Suffering . Common Sense suggests illnesses Healed by Cannabis are caused by Cannabinoid Deficiency . Marijuana Prohibition incited long term Genocide . Recreational Marijuana Prevents many illnesses (Including Cancers) . Medical Marijuana is waiting for illnesses to set into the body RISKING DEATH before going to a Doctor to try to get a Prescription .
Jeff Sessions is Marijuana Hitler
Cleo Taylor
This man is a Terrorist. How can any single person look at the evidence provided by children finally having seizure free days after suffering 100’s per day for years and not know fucking better. Absolutely criminal that her should be in charge of anything.
Cleo Taylor
Terrorist. The man is a Terrorist. To deny a plant proven to provide relief to the sick is absolutely disgusting.
Coy Mayer
Everyone need to right their congressmen to make sure this don’t happen
Barb Ament
Who is Jeff Sessions to decide who should suffer from horrible, chronic pain when there is something that can suppress that pain with no harmful side effects! I can only wish that someday, some of these politicians who have decided to run everybody else’s lives get to experience the kind of pain the people on MedicalCannabis experience 24/7 so they can PERHAPS have SOME understanding of how hard it is to function without something like Medical Cannabis. The chemical the causes the “high” in recreational cannabis is removed for Medical Cannabis. I wonder JUST HOW MUCH JEFF SESSIONS REALLY KNOWS ABOUT MEDICAL CANNABIS!!! Or is he just preaching to the choir to get rid of it because it is another drug? All Sessions is going to do is make people hit the black market again. After his poor testimony today, he’s probably out looking for some of the recreational stuff right now!!!
He is right about one thing, there is a national drug epidemic crisis. But it has NOTHING to do with marijuana. It has EVERYTHING to do with prescription opioids. If he wasn’t being “paid off” by Big Pharma he might realize the difference. He has long been against marijuana and needs to STFU and do a little research about the medical benefits it provides WITHOUT the risk of addiction. He was once quoted saying “Good people do not smoke marijuana”. I say good people don’t judge others based on their own prejudice. Time to join the rest of the world, in this decade, and let responsible people do what they want, and need to do, to better their lives.
hey AG sessions ur answer is 2 articles above this article “Bipartisant senators introduces a bill lifting Federal Prohibition of Medical Cannabis
here is ur answer to ur june 12 question:
June 15th Bipartisan Measure to End Federal Prohibition of Medical Marijuana Introduced in U.S. Senate
June 15, 2017
The bipartisan CARERS Act would allow the possession, production, and distribution of medical marijuana in states that have legalized it. It would also lift the ban on Veterans Affairs doctors recommending it to patients in those states.
(Photo: THCFinder.com)
The bill was reintroduced Thursday by U.S. Senators Rand Paul (R-KY), Corey Booker (D-NJ), and Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY), with Senators Mike Lee (R-UT) and Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) signing on as cosponsored.
The Compassionate Access, Research Expansion, and Respect States (or CARERS) Act of 2017 would allow individuals and entities to possess, produce, and distribute medical marijuana if they are in compliance with state medical marijuana laws. It would also open up avenues to medical marijuana research and allow physicians employed by the Department of Veterans Affairs to recommend medical marijuana to veterans in states where it is legal. The bill also proposes excluding cannabidiol, a non-psychoactive cannabinoid found in marijuana, from the federal government’s definition of “marijuana.”