Activating Cannabinoid Receptors May Treat Migraines, According to New Study

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Activating Cannabinoid Receptors May Treat Migraines, According to New Study

A new study published by the Journal of Headache and Pain has found that activation of the body’s cannabinoid receptorsmigraine – something done naturally by cannabis – may treat migraines.

The study, titled Activation of CB2 receptors as a potential therapeutic target for migraine: evaluation in an animal model, used male rats to study the effects of a cannabinoid receptor agonist (an activator) on the treatment of severe migraines.

“[The agonist] showed a significant analgesic effect in baseline conditions in both tests”, states the study. “Furthermore, when administered 3 hours after NTG [nitroglycerin, a pain reliver] administration, [the agonist] at both doses significantly reduced the total number of flinches/shakes during phase II of the test.”

Researchers conclude; “These findings suggest that the pharmacological manipulation of the CB2 receptor may represent a potential therapeutic tool for the treatment of migraine.”

Delta Extrax

The study can be found by clicking here.



  • 2buds
    September 6, 2014

    May? Definitely!
    Personal – although anecdotal – regular daily consumption (vaping) of a half gram in the evening has a prophylaxis effect preventing migraines from forming. I have suffered from migraines for over 45 years – since I was 6. Debilitating migraines. I have traditionally taken Ibuprofen (over 40,000 in 40+ years @ recommended dosage) but found it lacking. I was reintroduced to Cannabis about 4 years ago. I never dreamed it could do more than “get you high”, but was amazed to learn of it’s therapeutic effects on mind and body. I suffered emotional trauma when young and this is the only thing that I’ve found in 40 years that will allow me to live in the moment – today – and not in the past, mired down with events and attitudes of others long since gone or be consumed with worry about the future.

    The 3 main side effects of Cannabis consumption are Happy – Hungry – Sleepy.

  • Janet Evans
    September 7, 2014

    I was sorry to hear Maureen Doud from our beloved press had a bad experience with edible cannabis. Then she writes bad press from her desk to malign a product she knows nothing about. Although i do not like to compare alcohol to cannabis most of the time i would suggest Ms. Doud do more research before she condemns edibles on her 1 ignorant experience. Don’t be such an imbecile and eat too much. Ever been to a wine tasting? I don’t know how much she ate but just a taste would have been sufficient for someone of her caliber. Alcohol is so much more dangerous than THC. And yes, THC will help people suffering from all kinds of headaches. I love cannabis. And will promote it. We live in a world of hurt and cannabis makes u happy, healthy, and wise. Long live cannabis.

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