Chile: Medical Cannabis Now Being Sold in Pharmacies
By Paul Armentano, NORML Deputy Director
Medical cannabis products are now available to patients with a physician’s authorization at certain Chilean pharmacies.
The nation legalized the use and distribution of medical cannabis in 2015, and just recently began importing medicinal cannabis products from the Canadian provider Tilray. (Chileans are not permitted under the law to cultivate their own cannabis.) In recent weeks, Tilray has also announced agreements to have its products exported to Australia and Cypress.
Several other South American countries are also moving forward to implement cannabis reforms. Colombian lawmakers approved regulations governing the production and use of medical cannabis in 2016, while Argentinian lawmakers signed off on legislation in March regulating the distribution of cannabidiol.
Pharmacies in Uruguay are anticipated to begin selling cannabis this July to residents age 18 or older who are willing to enroll in a government registry.