Tennessee Lawmaker Considering Legislation to Legalize Hemp
“It’s not against the law to own it. It’s not against the law to import it from Canada or China. It’s just against the law for a farmer to raise it”, states Senator Frank Niceley, noting the hypocrisy of America’s current hemp laws, “you can make thousands of products from it, and we import about half a billion dollars of it a year.”
Senator Niceley stated this week that he’s considering drafting legislation to legalize hemp in his state of Tennessee, and is watching the progression of Kentucky’s recent hemp law closely; “Sometimes it’s easy to use those other states for model legislation,” he said. “If it works there, it might work here.”
In the meantime, advocates of hemp legalization in Tennesee should be consitently contacting their elected officials, urging them to support an end to hemp prohibition.
– TheJointBlog
joann richardson
More jobs for those who use it more money the goverment can pay the users the less taxes we are out of our pockets think about this there will always be users.
I like weed. It was put on this earth for reasons.
I like weed:)
Tennessee is a great state for farming and with the legalization of hemp could possibly put Nashville and other surrounding cities on the map, for more than just country music. With the legalization of hemp man cities such as Gallatin, Hendersonville, etc. could have the opportunity to become a booming business city.
If the government would legalize this harmless plant then america would be out of debt within the next 5 to 10 years
Why don’t we…let us quit voting for crooked politicians. Just because they have the money to register as a candidate with the Democratic or Republican election committee, doesn’t mean we have to vote for them. They would get the message then. It seems like we are giving the choice- the lesser of two evils.