Study: Drunk Drivers Are 30 Times More Likely to Get In An Accident Than Cannabis Consumers

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Study: Drunk Drivers Are 30 Times More Likely to Get In An Accident Than Cannabis Consumers

A new study published online by the journal Accident Analysis & Prevention has concluded what cannabis advocates have known for years; cannabis is the least dangerous “drug” to consume before driving; alcohol is thcannabisdrivinge worst. In fact, the study found that those with a blood alcohol level of 0.12% were over 30 times more likely to get into a serious accident than someone who’s consumed any amount of cannabis.

Researchers conclude that; “The least risky drugs were cannabis and benzodiazepines and Z-drugs.”

For the study, researchers collected case samples from “severely injured drivers of passenger cars or vans in selected hospitals in various regions of the countries [Belgium, Denmark, Finland, Italy, Lithuania and the Netherlands]. Control samples (N = 15,832) were sampled in a uniform sampling scheme stratified according to country, time, road type and season. Relative risks were approximated by odds ratios and calculated by logistic regression. The estimates were adjusted for age, gender and country.”

This researcher helps to validate a number of past studies which have found that cannabis doesn’t decrease driver safety, and may in fact increase driving performance for certain people.

The study was conducted by researchers at the University of Copenhagen’s Department of Forensic Medicine, and the Technical University of Denmark’s Department of Transport.

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